Sunday 4 September 2016

Mathy Enviro

Today was an Enviro Day with Mrs Daniel. Did you know that each Enviro Day includes a maths component? So as well as tending to our butterfly garden, identifying ways to be sustainable and comparing our eviro journey with Royal Road School, we also learnt how to create a picture graph to display data today. Can you see how many grasshoppers Kelly found in her garden?

To conclude our day we had fun tech challenge; who could make the longest worm with an A5 piece of paper? Well done to Blake our winner.

Wednesday 31 August 2016

Cynthia taught Room 17 how to make a paper explosion.
 Cynthia's Teach the Teacher presentation
Naomi taught us how to make an origami cube we could blow up like a balloon. It was tricky, but she helped us so well we were all successful. Thank you , Naomi, for being our first Teach the Teacher presenter.
Naomi's Teach the Teacher

Thursday 18 August 2016

Inquiry Learning

We have each chosen an Olympic athlete for our inquiry learning during August. 
We discussed what we would ask them if they visited our class, because we want to know how you become a world champion.
We researched information about our athletes on the internet and by watching TV news coverage.
We learned to make notes of information we found. 
We learned how to present our information in our own words.
Next week we will share our learning with others in our class.

Sunday 7 August 2016

Planting Trees for Survival

Today Room 17 and Mrs Daniel, with the help of Lynda from Auckland City Council, repotted TWO HUNDRED & FIFTY seedlings, as part of the Trees for Survival programme. The children were such enthusiastic and careful botanists.

Did you know Sunnyhills Senior School students have already repotted over 300 seedlings? We're looking forward to our tiny seedlings growing 30 cm in a year, then we'll be replanting them in a  local reserve for our native fauna to enjoy.

What a fantastic project; a wonderful learning experience with a really positive environmental outcome.

Wednesday 3 August 2016

Our lesson with Julian from the ASB was a lot of fun. We learned it's good to "Spend some for you, but save some too."

Thursday 7 July 2016

Fancy Feet Friday

Wow! What funny feet we had today, dancing and skipping every where and getting into the holiday spirit!