Friday, 6 May 2016

Enviro BreakOut with Mrs Daniel

On Friday morning the children in Room 17 discovered a mystery padlocked box in their room. Mrs Daniel said that the information they needed to start their new Enviro Schools project had been scattered across the school, and the code for the locked equipment box had been forgotten. Could Room 17 work together to solve the clues, find the facts and break the code? They were determined and seriously excited.

The children showed amazing team work  and communication skills to discover the solutions and find all the key facts about plants hidden in the gardens.  Back in the classroom everyone persevered to break the code and open the padlock. Great problem solving!

Inside the mystery box the children discovered the seeds, containers and other equipment they needed to launch an edible garden. They spent the rest of the day researching seed germination and planting up. Mrs Daniel can't wait to see how much  their bean, sunflower & pumpkin seeds have grown, when she returns later in the term, for another fun enviro day.